GEL Sample Mangement System

The Connection is Seamless

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GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) offers hardware and software solutions for management of sample collection, scheduling, data tracking and storage of all sample data required for site compliance reporting. Capabilities and enhancements to sampling programs include:

  • Coordinate, schedule and track your environmental sampling programs and monitor locations with preloaded latitude and longitude specifications and GIS mapping capabilities
  • Automatically generate bar coded sample labels and Chain of Custody documents through a wireless tablet and printer in the field
  • Eliminate data transcription errors and confusing Chain of Custody documents
  • Fully customized, report-ready charting
  • Manage, share and store your environmental data in the “GEL Cloud”
  • Improve communication of the project team and efficiency and accuracy in the field

With automatic transfer of data to our laboratory, sampling transcription errors and omissions are eliminated and proper communication with the laboratory is ensured.

All sampling and analysis data can be stored for long term tracking, trending, and reporting in our Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) with access through our Virtual Project Management (VPM) system. The VPM allows you 24 hour secure access to your data remotely.

GEL can customize and integrate our software with existing systems and infrastructure at your site. We offer onsite training and ensure proper integration from sample collection through reporting.

GEL has deployed the Sample Management System for numerous site specific applications. For example, a major DOE radiobioassay program currently uses our system to track and manage drop off and pick up of sample collection kits. A major waste disposal facility also uses our system for tracking ground water, soil and vegetation sampling locations at established frequencies. Please
contact us for more information and how the system can assist your program.